"Bilan de compétences" English version
(màj VB, le 20/05/2024)
Besoin d’adapter cette formation à vos besoins ?
N’hésitez pas à nous contacter afin d’obtenir un devis sur mesure !
Formation créée le 21/02/2022. Dernière mise à jour le 20/05/2024.
Version du programme : 2
Programme de la formation
The "Bilan de compétences" takes the form of project management: one goal (constructing a professionnal project), schedluing appointments, actions to take by the participant between meetings, traceability and the possibility to put the participant in contact with people that will help them to further their reflection. The participant is accompanied, challenged and guided in order for him/her to identify by him/herself the nature of his/her project.
Objectifs de la formation
- A professional project that is realist and motivating
- An action plan that enables the realisation of this project
- A hightened sense of self-awareness and trust in one's capacity
- The implementation phase of the project right after the training course
Profil des bénéficiaires
- Everyone who wishes to :
- - Construct or develop his/her professional project
- - Give meaning to his/her professional life
- - Get reoriented
- - Become aware of his/her skills and potentials
- None
Contenu de la formation
Preliminary step : Self-awareness and knowledge of one's potential
- My professional experience so far
- My skills and motivations
- My interests and what I am curious about
Investigation step: Exploring the field of possibilities
- With a magic wand...
- The possible professional paths that meet my expectations
- The first step of your choice : without a magic wand, what could I consider ?
- What are the pros and cons of the different leads?
- Midterm summary of the procedure
- The second step of your choice : what are the paths to explore more extensively ?
- What would stop me from committing to the paths aforementioned ? What could hold me back or scare me ?
- The third step of your choice: I have made my decision !
Conclusion step: Action plan
- Identification of the challenges for the execution and means to address them.
- Finalisation of the action plan.
Follow-up interview after 6 months.
Véronique Beyler, consultant, career support and development specialist. Cécile Pineau, Back-office coordination.
- Attendance sheet. Online signatures.
- Sharepoint with a limited access to the participant and the facilitator.
- "Livret du participant", a shared XL tool, summarizing practical information
- Edited Harrison reports corresponding to the steps of the process.
- Feedback on interviews with the professionnals who have been contacted.
- Midterm assessment of the process in order to readjust actions if necessary.
- Final report with key moments of the process and the action plan.
- Evaluation forms of the training course.
- Participant is welcomed in a private conference room at Seed.
- Office 365 suite: Teams, SharePoint and Outlook for the planification of the sessions.
- For people with disabilities: the meetings will take place in an external place with no extra cost for the financer.
- In phase 1 : Two reports of Harrison's behavioural preferences in order to ease self -awareness.
- In phase 2 : Depending on the need, the use of tools to stimulate creativity and to help with projection.
- In phase 3 : With Harrison Assessment, the evaluation of the convergence between the type of job sought and individual skills and motivations.
- In phase 2 : Meeting with people who work in the field of the sought jobs. Debrief of the meetings.
- In phase 2 : SWOT and tools that helps with decision-making.
- In phase 3 : A structured action plan
- Continuous taking of notes by the facilitator during these 3 phases.
- At the end of the procedure: a report, shared, commented and updated summarizing all the different steps and describing the choices maid by the participant.
- On-demand possible alternance between on-site sessions and online sessions.